Building my House: Discover the most Common Mistakes Here

Conquering their own property is the goal of many people, and, in this process, many value personalization, choosing to create a project from scratch. However, when implementing these plans, it is normal for concerns to arise, such as: “I’m building my house, but I don’t know how to avoid problems”.

After all, mistakes during the process can bring harm, making it essential to adopt some precautions so that this achievement is full of joys without the inconvenience and great worries. Want to learn how to do this?

In this context, we have prepared a list of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them to help those who are building a house. Follow up!

What is the Importance of Adopting Care when Building the House?

Being able to organize yourself financially to build your house can generate a lot of emotions, especially anxiety. After so much planning, it’s common to think about finishing everything faster to start living on your property with the family, isn’t it?

However, this is a process that requires patience and attention in order not to make mistakes. The reason is that mistakes in construction can cause many problems — even if some of them only manifest after a few years.

In addition, in all cases, the solution may have high costs and require major interventions in the property. If you don’t have money available, you may need to live with it for a long time or take out loans.

Another point that deserves attention is the safety of the residents. The lack of care in relation to the design and execution can bring about structural problems that put the integrity of the family at risk. However, it is possible to prevent these occurrences by avoiding some common mistakes among those who are building a house.

Building my House: What Mistakes not to Make?

To ensure good execution of the project alongside the family, without resulting in unforeseen events, it is necessary to avoid certain mistakes. They are quite common, but they are also easy to prevent.

Next, you will know the main ones and how not to commit them during the construction of your property. Check out!

Lack of Planning

Planning is the key to the success of any goal, including building the house. Here, you need to consider different scenarios that may occur and prepare for them all. It is necessary to have a plan drawn up, for example, for a delay in the work.

discover the common mistake

It can happen due to weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances while running. If this is the case, the family will need to be prepared to pay expenses related to staying in another property, such as renting a property.

It is also necessary to include expenses related to financing fees, registry office, licenses, and permits, in addition to the project and construction budget. Put everything at the tip of the pencil to understand how much. In fact, it is necessary to complete your property.

Unfortunately, the lack of planning can generate financial difficulties, lead to indebtedness and even delay delivery for long periods. Another tip to help is to always provide a margin of guarantee — a percentage between 10% and 20% of the costs to deal with unforeseen events with greater peace of mind.

Not Knowing how to Choose the Ideal Lot

If the theme is house construction, the chosen lot plays an essential role in the results obtained. However, people do not always know how to assess the terrain and make choices that will not work as they wish. To make it easier, there are some points you can observe to ensure an appropriate choice; check it out: 

  • terrain topography

  • soil type

  • solar orientation

  • zoning rules

  • characteristics of the neighborhood or subdivision 

It is also worth having professional support to assist in the decision. Based on your family’s needs – such as the size of the house or the desire to have a garden or backyard -he will be able to verify if the land is suitable for the desired construction and explain all the related characteristics, in addition to advantages and disadvantages, for a decision more correct. If you want an ideal place to live, is the best option.

Stop Hiring Qualified Professionals

Being able to save on construction is a common goal, but it can lead to another mistake: not hiring qualified professionals. The knowledge, and experience with projects and their execution, make the service have costs that can be considered high by some people.

However, in practice, the savings often result in other problems that will cost money to solve, and in the end, the budget required becomes even higher — or the family won’t really be satisfied with the result.

Project Problems

Following the line of the previous topic, another common mistake deals with the project itself and the construction itself. Problems in the development or application of concepts can result in dissatisfaction and damage to the family. Discover the main ones: 

  • floor unevenness

  • inadequate waterfall

  • poorly planned and installed piping

  • excess or lack of outlets

  • power grid without adequate power

Certainly, unless you are a professional in the area, you will not be able to identify all the occurrences mentioned. Therefore, the most effective way to prevent errors is to have a trusted engineer or architect and qualified labor for the construction of your home.

Incorrect Sizing of Spaces

Have you ever imagined finishing the construction of the house and discovering that a room will not be able to absorb all the items you want? Or that it got too big, jeopardizing the best use of spaces in the house?

This is an error in the project that considers inadequate dimensions for each environment of the property. The way to prevent this, first of all, is to have a clear idea of ​​the family’s needs and what is expected of each room.

This must be passed on to the hired professional so that the project is prepared not only considering the number of rooms but how each will be used in practice. The decor and types of furniture you want are also relevant — if you want an island in your kitchen, for example, it should have enough space.

After passing all the information and receiving the project for approval, it is worth reviewing the result and clarifying doubts to ensure that you will be able to execute your plans in the desired spaces.

Inappropriate Choice of Materials

Again, when it comes to construction savings, the idea of ​​purchasing cheaper materials often comes up. The thinking behind this is that, at the end of construction, the practice can mean big savings. However, any cost reduction must always consider the quality of what was purchased.

Inadequate materials of low quality tend to present defects in a normal period. Soon, you will have to bear new costs for replacement and labor. Therefore, look for items that have good durability and a finish that fits what you expect in the property.

In this way, even if the initial purchase has a higher value, in the long run, this will result in savings, as there will be no costs with renovations to replace the materials originally chosen.

Not Considering the Decoration of Spaces

Finally, always think about the desired decoration for the spaces. It is not part of the construction itself but will be part of the family’s daily life. After all, there is no point in having the dream property if the furniture and organization of the environment are not adequate.

So, think about issues such as colors used, finishes, furniture, and compositions that are suited to the personality and wishes of the family. To facilitate and ensure a more aligned project, it is also possible to have professional support for interior design, ensuring the best use of spaces, combining beauty, comfort, and practicality for the family.

Ready! Knowing these tips, when you think again that you are building your house and what the process should be like, you will learn how to ensure more tranquility for realizing your dreams. If you liked the content and want to follow more tips like this, subscribe to our newsletter and receive other amazing materials in your email! Also, Faisal Town is a new investment in the town. Check it out now!

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